Opponents Of Ohio Redistricting Amendment Air Misleading Ad

image of the banner reading Yes! on Issue 2 in Ohio

State Issue 2 will be on the ballot in Ohio to reform the way congressional districts are drawn after each census. A cross section of groups from the League of Women Voters to the Ohio Libertarian Party support the amendment. The Republicans and those wanting to keep the power to draw district lines are opposed. The opponents recently started airing a commercial that attempts to mislead the voters about State Issue 2.

Before I talk about why the opposition’s ad is misleading, I want to explain why State Issue 2 is needed.

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Redistricting Reform Amendment Certified For Ohio Ballot

image of Voter's First logo

On Monday August 6th, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted certified a constitutional amendment for the Nov. 6 ballot that would reform the way congressional districts are drawn after each census in Ohio. It would restore democracy in one important part of our political system by taking the redistricting out of the hands of the people it benefits – the politicians. If voters are tired of the partisanship of our current system then they should pass the amendment on election day.

What the amendment would do:

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