You Can’t Claim To Be A Middle Aged White Person And Not Know There Is Racism

sign at a racism protest

This month I attended a secular conference. While I enjoyed myself, learned some new things, and met some new people, one conference speaker almost spoiled the whole thing for me.

This conference was right in my wheel house. It focused on being a secular person and on social justice. It definitely had a liberal bent which I rarely have a problem with.

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Removing Confederate Statues One Step In Acknowledging Historical Mistakes

image of Statue of the traitor Robert E. Lee in Richmond, VA.
Statue of the traitor Robert E. Lee in Richmond, VA.

New Orleans, Charlottesville, and Baltimore are the latest flash points in countering white supremacy efforts to sanitize our history. Confederate statues and monuments have been removed or there are plans to remove them. Some people complain that such actions are erasing history but in fact removing Confederate statues is one step in acknowledging our historical mistakes.

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Viral Rant Highlights The Need To Speak Up When Confronted With Racism

Screencap from racist rant video
Screencap from racist rant video

Millions have seen the viral video of a white woman’s racist rant toward two Latina women at a Kentucky store. During the whole video, I didn’t once hear or see anyone in the crowd telling the woman to stop her rant. It actually bothered me just as much as the actual racism because when we let the racism happen without interfering then we seem to be enabling the racism and inviting more of it in the future.

I won’t post the video but you can go to the NBC News website for their story and they include a segment of the video.

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Why Do Progressives Make Life So Hard?

some progressive issues

The 2016 Presidential election is in the books and we will be getting a President progressives didn’t want, who will be working with a Congress controlled by people who don’t support progressive issues. For some reason the progressive groups I follow seem to have a new energy and a surge of donations to ‘fight the power’. I can’t help myself but wonder where was this energy before election day? Why do progressives seem to take the hard road? Do we like being a victim when we don’t need to be?

Life was looking up for progressives. Our issues were being addressed. We had the start of real health insurance reform, same-sex marriage was finally legalized, there was movement toward addressing climate change, church and state issues were going our way. We were on the cusp of electing the first woman president who likely would be friendly to our issues and continue the progress made under President Obama.

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You Can’t Complain About Syrian Refugees AND Complain About Trump’s Plan To Ban Muslims Entering The US

Donald Trump Hitler Salute

Donald Trump continued his Internet comment section campaign for the Presidency by offering an idea to ban Muslims from entering the US. While a majority of normal Americans and most of the other GOP presidential candidates rejected his idea, it seems some of them forgot that not even a month ago they advocated keeping out refugees from Syria due to unfounded worries that Syrian immigrants were terrorists. We know that logic fails the GOP more times than not, but you can’t complain about Syrian refugees AND complain about Trump’s plan to ban Muslims.

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