One Danger Of Quoting The Founding Fathers

image of John Adams - an original one percenter

The other day a conservative friend of mine posted a John Adams quote that was a rant about letting people who didn’t own property the right to vote. My friend tried to use to support his argument about our current government system. While Adams did write the words that were posted, taking his words out of context to support your fantasy view of the world could be dangerous.

Here is the quote in question:

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

image of a person with thinking cap

One part of political debate I like is using images to make a point. Whether it is a chart or a quote image, these graphics hold on to the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. They are also easy to share in social media. However one still needs to be careful one isn’t sharing inaccurate information. Don’t post or share any graphic unless you can confirm the accuracy of the information.

Earlier this year this chart was making the rounds of the blogs I read:

Continue reading “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics”

More Doug More Often

My attempt at a narcissistic cult continues with the addition of a tumblr page. It will be the place to find pictures, videos, quotes that I want to share but really don’t want to do a full blown blog post or to share wider than Facebook. See the link below:

I call it Doug’s Twigs and Berries for obvious reasons.

Check it out….