Findlay Mayor Draws Wrong Conclusion In Seeing Little Need For Police Cameras

image of a Findlay Police car

For the first time in 16 years, a Findlay police officer shot and killed a suspect. When the press asked if there was body camera or dashboard camera footage of the stop the police said no. Findlay Police don’t have cameras and Mayor Lydia Mihalik said cameras are not cost effective. Obviously the Mayor has a short sighted view of cameras for police officers.

Editor Note: I will say first off that I am not hating on the Findlay Police Department. The incident on Tuesday is still under investigation so I have no reason at this time not believe the official version of events. My concern, in the current climate of eroding trust in the police in general, that body or dashboard cameras would add accountability and would improve citizen trust in the police here in Findlay. I disagree with the Mayor’s position on cameras.

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Previously Unknown Criminal Record Haunts Findlay City Councilman Collette

image of Findlay Councilman K. C. Collette
Councilman K. C. Collette

K. C. Collette (3rd Ward) never thought crap would hit the fan when he recently applied for a new job in Florida. It seems that the 7 term Findlay City councilman and assistant Hancock county prosecutor was arrested twice in the 1990’s for soliciting a prostitute in Florida. While I think that someone convicted of a misdemeanor shouldn’t be precluded from serving as an elected official, lying by omission about the crimes, when the county first hired him in 1996 and when he ran for council, does lead me to think he needs to resign his offices.

According to the Findlay OH Courier, Collette was arrested in 1993 and 1995 and plead no-contest both times. He had to perform community service each time and get counseling after the 2nd conviction. It also seems that the current County Prosecutor Mark Miller didn’t know about the convictions and the man who originally hired him, Robert Fry, now a Municipal Court judge knew about the 1993 arrest but not the 1995 one.

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