You Can’t Claim To Be A Middle Aged White Person And Not Know There Is Racism

sign at a racism protest

This month I attended a secular conference. While I enjoyed myself, learned some new things, and met some new people, one conference speaker almost spoiled the whole thing for me.

This conference was right in my wheel house. It focused on being a secular person and on social justice. It definitely had a liberal bent which I rarely have a problem with.

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Killing Of Tamir Rice Was Not Like Getting Into A Fender Bender

image of Tamir Rice who was murdered by police
12 year old Tamir Rice who was murdered by police in 2014

Tamir Rice was murdered by two Cleveland police officers in 2014. Even with video showing the officers murdered the 12 year old, the prosecutor announced this week that neither officer would be indicted for murder. He called the unfortunate incident an accident. Really? Two officers murdering a young boy is like getting into a traffic accident? It just shows how biased the ‘justice’ system is in Cleveland.

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Before You Support The Deputy Who Was Fired For Assaulting A Teen Girl…

screencap of South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl
South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl in viral video

Another incident of police excessive force was seen around the world when video of an encounter between a Sheriff’s deputy and a teen girl in South Carolina went viral. Of course there has been much ink and video shed in support of the deputy, even some who are blaming the girl for her own assault. Before you support the deputy there are some things to consider.

It seems the deputy planned to use force from the start no matter what happened:

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