Who Will Tell Grandma That Paul Ryan Wants Her To Die?

image showing Grandma's not happy with Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan was picked for some reason as the vice presidential candidate on Mitt Romney’s GOP ticket. Ryan is the same douche bag who wrote a budget plan that would turn Medicare into a voucher system. Why did Romney put the senior citizen vote, one of the last groups who would vote Republican, into play for 2012?

Here are the facts about Paul Ryan and Medicare:

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So, Where Did All The Obama Stimulus Money Go?

screencap from Mitt Romney's False Ad
Mitt Romney’s False Ad

Living in Ohio I have been exposed to an avalanche of political advertisements so far this election season. A majority of them are negative, play loose with the facts, and are from 3rd parties who hide where their money comes from. All of those elements, to me are un-American. What really pisses me off is when an ad is actually a lie. What makes me even more mad is when that false ad was put out even after the facts were known. Mitt Romney released such an ad with the tagline of “Where did all the Obama stimulus money go?” Now because my local journalists seem to refuse to fact check this false ad I’ll have to do it here.

The ad starts:

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