New Commandments For The Non-Believer

created clipart showing book cover with words Guidelines for the Non-Believer

A new book titled ‘Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart: Rewriting the Ten Commandments for the Twenty-first Century‘ by Lex Bayer and John Figdor, included a set of 10 ‘non-commandments’ for the non-believer. The authors also held a contest to crowdsource an alternative set. I was pleased that I agreed with a majority of the items judged the winner. They are good guidelines for living as a non-believer.

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With Sanford Win, Family Values Crowd No Longer Morally Superior

image of Mark Sanford
Family Values Poster Boy: Mark Sanford

Serial adulterer, liar, and former Governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford won a seat in Congress on Tuesday. What gets me is the family values crowd who claim to be morally superior and who dare to demand we live our lives a certain way yet don’t hold their own members to the same standard. Mark Sanford thy name is hypocrisy.

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Born Again Actor Won’t Quit His Filthy Job

screencap of Jon Cryer with Angus T Jones on the show Two & Half Men
Jon Cryer with Angus T Jones on the show Two & Half Men

The CBS sitcom Two and Half Men has been on the air for almost ten years. In that time we have watch the 1/2 man, Jake, played by actor Angus T. Jones, grow up into the young man he is today. This week a YouTube video had Jones, a recent born again Christian, pleading for his fans to stop watching his show because it was nothing but filth and part of Satan’s plan. I respect his commitment to his new faith but it is obvious he doesn’t mind cashing the paychecks from his filthy show.

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