A $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Would Help All Of Us

image of protestors

A meme showed up in my Facebook feed the other day that tried to undermine the movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 and hour by comparing ‘burger flipping’ with a ‘real job’ as if that proved the protestors are wrong. It actually points out how broken our economic system is for middle-class workers and those who make the current minimum wage and lower. $15 an hour should be the starting point not the end.

Here is the meme that was posted by a friend on Facebook who agreed with the point.

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Papa John Schnatter Too Cheap To Provide Affordable Health Care For His Workers

image of 'Papa' John Schnatter

The founder and CEO of Papa John’s Pizza, John Schnatter said during a shareholders conference call last week that if the Affordable Care Act wasn’t repealed it would add up to 14 cents onto the cost of a pizza. It’s good too know that Papa John thinks 14 cents is far more important than affordable health care for his minimum wage workers.

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