Why Does Ohio State University Need A Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Vehicle?

image showing OSU's new armored personnel carrier

I came a across a report that the Ohio State University Police has acquired a Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicle for their fleet. Why is the Department of Defense selling a heavy duty military vehicle like the MRAP to a college police department? I know cops like new toys but is the MRAP really needed on a college campus? The reasons OSU give just don’t hold up to examination.

MRAPs are armored personnel carriers used in hostile environments like Iraq and Afghanistan where they are needed to reduce causalities due to mines and ambushes. This is frankly overkill for any police department to have and continues the troubling militarism of the police.

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My Thanks To Our Veterans

image of Raising the flag on Iwo Jima

My Dad was a US Marine in Vietnam and my grandfather served in the 100th Infantry Division during World War II. Much to the chagrin of my mother I was interested in military service growing up. I thought the uniforms and equipment were cool and I like to camp, right? I had no idea about the mental and physical costs to paid serving in the military. It is nothing like the Hollywood version of war (Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers excepted). I tip my hat to all those who serve or have served in the military.

Here is the Marine Corp Band playing “Stars and Stripes Forever”

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Memorial Day: Their Sacrifice Must Not Be In Vain

image of US Flag at Half-staff

As we celebrate Memorial Day in the US and it is an election year, we need to be reminded that the people who died in service of this country must not have died in vain. No matter your political party, we must work harder not to have more of our young people buried in military cemeteries. This post is my plea for us to work together to stop all war – both current and future.

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West Point cadet who resigned over “DADT” newest addition to Famous Findlayians

Katherine Miller resigned from West Point in 2010 in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. She resigned rather than lie to continue her military career. She was ranked 9th in her class at the time. Her story made national news which included being a guest of singer Lady Gaga at the MTV video music awards on September 12th 2010. Graduated from Findlay High School.

It is my pleasure to add her to my Famous Findlayians web page