You Should Ask Before Helping Someone Who Is Struggling

picture of couple who helped homeless man by raising $400,000

A New Jersey couple who raised $400,000 to help a homeless man who helped the girlfriend when she ran out of gas was ordered to give the rest of the money to the man. Homelessness isn’t always about lack of money. Some homeless people have deeper issues that a GoFundMe drive can’t help. Think twice before projecting your own biased ideas on others without asking.

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Why Are Atheists Always The Ones Asked Not To Be Dicks?

photo of man shouting with word Atheists!

Lindy West, in an article on the Jezebel website, said that she was embarrassed to be an atheist because some atheists are dicks. I get tired of such complaints. I agree that being a dick shouldn’t be our first move, but why should believers get special treatment for their irrational and silly beliefs when they tend to be used to hurt scores of people around the world. Why are atheists always the ones asked to change?

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