Anti-Discrimination Executive Order Won’t Include Religious Exemption

image of President Obama speaking

President Obama promised to issue an executive order that would prohibit Federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT people. It was announced on Friday that the order, to be signed on Monday, won’t include a broad religious exemption as some faith groups had requested. This is good news.

The call for a broad religious exemption in the coming order started after the Hobby Lobby court decision:

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What’s More Important, Sports Or Human Rights?

photo of woman Protesting 2014 Sochi Olympics

Russia is hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Russia also recently passed a new law banning ‘propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations around minors’ which has been used to attack LGBT groups in the country. The law means gay pride parades are forbidden as is any literature or signs supporting gay rights. Although the Russian government has told the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the law won’t be applied to athletes, there are calls for a boycott of the games. Of course the people who will profit from the games are against the boycott. They have put sports ahead of human rights.

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Scalia: We Have No Power To Invalidate Legislation Except When I Don’t Like It

photo of Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Antonin Scalia: Hypocritical Asshat

In his dissent in United States v. Windsor, Justice Antonin Scalia once again showed he lacks any judicial values beyond his selfish ends. His reasoning for dissenting basically came down to his view that the court lacked the power to invalidate a law democratically adopted. Yet he found no such concern in invalidating the Voting Rights Act yesterday. It is obvious that his personal view of the law determines if he thinks the court has the power to give a ruling. In my world that is known as being a hypocritical asshat.

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Governor Kaisch Lies About Opposing Discrimination

image of Ohio Governor John Kaisch
Ohio Governor Kaisch unhinged as usual

I just love the word gymnastics a politician attempts in order to hold one narrow position and totally ignore the larger implications of that position. Ohio Governor John Kasich said in a recent interview he opposes same sex marriage but claimed to support civil unions until it was pointed out that was an alternative to same sex marriage. He says he opposes discrimination but based on his walk back on civil unions he is a liar.

It all started as it usually does with Kasich speaking without thinking about what he’s saying:

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If You Support LGBTs Then Don’t Spend Money That Will Be Used To Hurt Them

image of Eat more chikin and hate gays

There has been a lot of ink and electrons spent about the controversy over Chick-fil-A and its CEO supporting anti-gay groups and causes. I’ve known for a couple of years that Chick-fil-A was not a friend of the LGBT community and have chosen not to spend my money at any of their stores. There has been the typical conservative backlash. My feeling is if you support LGBTs then don’t spend money that will be used to hurt them.

The controversy got started earlier in the month when owner Dan Cathy made public statements against gay marriage which also brought out the fact that the company donated millions of dollars to anti-gay groups. The public relations dust up caused the Jim Henson company to pull out of a kids meal promotion and the outrage overflowed onto many articles in print and on the Internet from the LGBT community and its allies.

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