Before You Support The Deputy Who Was Fired For Assaulting A Teen Girl…

screencap of South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl
South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl in viral video

Another incident of police excessive force was seen around the world when video of an encounter between a Sheriff’s deputy and a teen girl in South Carolina went viral. Of course there has been much ink and video shed in support of the deputy, even some who are blaming the girl for her own assault. Before you support the deputy there are some things to consider.

It seems the deputy planned to use force from the start no matter what happened:

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Ohio Sheriff Calls President Obama An Enemy And Will Not Enforce Laws He Doesn’t Like

official image of Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman
Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman

Think law nullification is a quaint old timey southern strategy that was used to defend slavery in the 1860’s and segregation in the 1960’s? An Ohio Sheriff actually wrote a letter to President Obama not only implying the President is an enemy of the people but that the Sheriff would refuse to enforce any law which he personally didn’t agree. That’s right, he thinks the oath he took to uphold the laws and constitution of Ohio and the United States allows him to nullify laws he personally objects to.

In a letter dated February 1st, Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman decided to tell off the President of the United States:

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