Who Would Be A Worse Ohio Governor Than John Kasich? Mike DeWine Of Course

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine

The current Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, who has never feared sticking it to women and the LGBT community in the courts, is planning to run for governor in 2018. If you thought John Kasich was a butt-head when it came to conservative and religiously based politics, then wait until DeWine runs. We might have another version of Ken Blackwell and we know how well that worked.

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Tea Party Member Of Ohio School Board Wants To Ban Books

image of Ohio Board of Education President Debe Terhar
Ohio Board of Education President Debe Terhar supports gun rights but wants to ban books

Pretty ironic when a Tea Party member, who screams about the right to bear arms, doesn’t see the irony in wanting to ban books in public schools. Ohio Board of Education President Debe Terhar, who is a member of several Tea Party groups and who once compared President Obama to Hitler, sees nothing wrong in violating the civil rights of students and their families by wanting to ban books used in schools.

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Gov. Kasich And Anti-Women Ohio Republicans Have Lost The Next Election

Ohio Gov. Kasich celebrating a victory against women

On Sunday June 30th, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a state budget that included one of the most restrictive abortion regulations enacted by a state so far. This cheap attack on women’s right to choose was inserted at the last minute, with no debate or public input, and rammed through the Republican controlled legislature. The new law not only redefines pregnancy to include any fertilized egg but also says using birth control pills is an abortion. If Kasich and his Republicans get any votes from women in 2014, I will have to consider moving out of the state. I really hate bigots and I really hate stupid people and any woman who would vote for people who took away their rights would be very stupid.

The new abortion restrictions are worse than the Heartbeat Bill I wrote about before because it defines pregnancy to include any fertilized egg:

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As Usual, Governor Kasich’s Magic Math Hurts The Poor

image of Ohio Governor John Kasich speaking
Ohio Governor John Kasich explaining his magic math

Normally if someone insisted on doing something even after it was proven they were wrong, that person would have their mental state questioned. Think of a child who keeps touching a hot cooking pot even after getting burned the first time. Ohio Governor John Kasich, with he latest budget proposal, is touching the hot pot again trying to use magic math to give the 1 percenters a huge tax break while hurting the poor.

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Grannygate spews onto Kasich and ‘Building a Better Ohio’

Image of a No on Issue 2 logo

Building a Better Ohio, the pro Issue 2 (pro-sb5) group, released a new ad this week that shamelessly cut and pasted part of an anti-sb5 ad and it looked like the grandma in the ad supported Issue 2 even though she is actually against Issue 2. Even after 30 TV stations pulled the misleading ad, Governor Kasich and ‘Building a Better Ohio’ won’t repudiate it.

Normally campaigns will do response ads that include a sound-bite from the other side but it is obvious that it is from the opponent’s ad. ‘Better Ohio’ didn’t do that.

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