Genetically Modified Crops: Should We Be Worried? Sort Of

image of grain growing

Genetically modified crops (GM crops) sounds scary like some sci-fi story. Think Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But do we need to fear GM crops? We should be concerned about our food supply and what goes into it but the fear over GM crops doesn’t match the facts. However one major worry I have is how much big corporations are involved and how that might hurt some people in the long term either economically or health wise.

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Vandana Shiva: Industrial Agriculture Hurting Our Food System And Health

image of Vandana Shiva on Moyers & Company TV show
Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva was on Moyers & Company on July 13th talking about her fight against genetically modified (GM) seeds and other attempts by industrial agriculture companies, like Monsanto, to monopolize the production of food not only in her native India but also here in the US. It’s a great interview and gives a basic overview about our broken our food system. GM seeds and industrial agriculture is making us all sick and less able to afford healthy food while the corporations game the system and rake in huge profits and tax subsidies.

In the first part of the interview Shiva talks about the control of the food system by the big corporations who gain profit from it but show little to no concern for the people who have to buy the food or the small farmers who grow the food who are forced to buy seed from the big corporations:

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