Gov. John Kasich’s Lame ‘Great White Hope’ Play For The Nomination

picture of Ohio Governor John Kasich
Ohio Governor John Kasich, the GOP’s ‘Great White Hope’??

After finishing a long distant second in the New Hampshire primary, Ohio Governor John Kasich’s plan to be the GOP’s ‘Great White Hope’ seems to be moving along. Now it seems the media is finally looking more closely at Kasich’s record in Ohio. We’ve been screaming about his lies ever since he joined the race for President.

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Governor Kasich Lied About His View On Abortion Restrictions In 2013 Budget Bill


Back in 2013, when the Ohio legislature was considering a budget bill that contained some onerous abortion restrictions, reproductive rights advocates urged supporters to ask the Governor to line-item veto the restrictions. At the time he seemed he hadn’t decided what he would do but in the end he let the restrictions stand. Administration emails, recently obtained by the AP, show the Governor’s staff helped write the restrictions. The Governor lied about being neutral.

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You Don’t Want Governor Kaisch Doing To The US What He Did To Ohio

photo of Governor Kaisch yelling as usual

Ohio Governor John Kaisch announced he was running for president this week. He likes to claim his policies brought Ohio back from the brink after the recession that started in 2008. The facts say different but he is the perfect GOP candidate because his policies in Ohio have attacked things Republicans like to attack – poor people, women, LBGTQs, schools, unions, and the environment. So, no, you don’t want Governor Kaisch doing to the US what he did to Ohio.

One irrational Kaischism is to talk about cutting taxes and how great Ohio is now because of low taxes. What he fails to say is yes state taxes were cut from local government funds and public schools forcing local governments to ask for higher taxes to pay for police, fire, and the schools. Kasich likes to pass the buck.

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Governor Kasich’s 250,000 Jobs Talking Point Actually Looks Bad

image of Kasich yelling

Being election season, I get campaign mailers. One mailer I got the other day was from Governor John Kasich. On the mailer, Kaisch crows about adding 250,000 jobs. Normally that would be a good thing but when you start from a 400,000 total job loss it actually looks bad.

Here is part of the scan from the mailer I got:

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Kasich Campaign Ad Tries To Make You Forget Anti-Union Law He Supported

screencap of Lieutenant Steve - brainwashed police officer
Lieutenant Steve – brainwashed police officer

Governor Kasich has been batting a thousand for ridiculous campaign ads so far this election season. My current favorite is titled ‘He Listened’ where a police officer brushes aside Kasich’s support of the anti-union SB5 in 2011 to flog tax cuts that don’t even benefit the officer. Talk about brainwashing. Kasich is tough!

I liked his ad that pretty much claimed his parents died so he could be governor but the newest one, fronted by a police officer, is my new favorite.

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