If You Think President Obama Failed To Unify The Country Then Blame The GOP

image of President Obama speaking
President Obama

President Barack Obama has started his legacy tour as his final year in office starts. He is giving interviews that review all that he has accomplished in his time in office. During these interviews, the beltway media keep asking him why he didn’t unite the country like he promised as if he is the only one at fault. The problem of polarization lies completely at the feet of the GOP and their media lackeys.

Here is part of an interview that the President gave to the CBS Sunday Morning show on January 24th:

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The IRS Doing Its Job And Other Drummed Up Political Outrages

created image with the word Outrage

Well the Republicans have a real “scandal” to use to make more excuses to avoid doing their own jobs. The IRS apologized for doing their job when a boatload of political groups tried to gain tax exemptions as charities to keep from having to disclose their donors. I get it, no one likes the tax man so this is an easy “outrage” to get on board. That’s why President Obama is equally “outraged”. I get a chuckle from my conservative friends who think we are entering a period similar to what lead President Nixon to resign in 1974. These fake “outrages” (IRS, Benghazi, and the AP phone records case) are no where near Watergate level. I mean if a President can start an unnecessary war in Iraq with lies and allow the economy to be trashed by the banks, then these current events are nothing in comparison.

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The Benghazi Sideshow Courtesy Of The GOP Clown Car

created image of U.S. House Speaker Boehner as a clown
U.S. House Speaker Boehner driver of the GOP Clown Car

The Republicans have been running with the idea that the attack on the Benghazi consulate, in 2012 which led to four deaths including the U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, is somehow as bad as Watergate, the Holocaust, and the burning of the Reichstag. The fact is that the Republicans are harping on Benghazi because they want to smear President Obama once again and to try and undercut the potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton while trying to distract from their do-nothing Congressional leadership that refuses to do anything to help the actual people in this country.

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2012 US Election Is Over: Majority Rejects Bigotry

image of President Obama & Family @ Victory party 2012
President Obama & Family @ Victory party 2012

The 2012 US Presidential election is now over, pending the final results, and one thing was clear to me. A majority of voters rejected the GOP campaign of dishonesty, hate, and bigotry paid for by entitled billionaires. President Obama was re-elected, gay marriage rights secured in a couple of states, pot legalized in one state, and a number of women were elected for the first time to the US Senate and a couple of rape apologists were defeated. I was very nervous at the start of the day but am relieved that this country didn’t fall over a cliff to the dark side.

The best news is President Obama was re-elected. Nate Silver’s Fivethirtyeight Blog was dead on for the results. Once again the GOP lost by dismissing science.

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Did Mitt Romney Write His Columbus Dispatch Endorsement?

image of The Columbus Dispatch sign downtown

Wow! The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch hit all the GOP talking points in their recent editorial endorsing Mitt Romney for President. What kind of shocked me was the inclusion the subtly racist one that says ‘We gave the guy a chance so it is okay to vote him out of office’ that comes from the ad the Republican National Committee is running on the local Dispatch owned TV station now. I wonder if the Romney campaign and/or the RNC wrote the editorial because rational people know all the talking points have been rebutted multiple times.

The editorial starts out as you would expect from a Republican biased owner and publisher:

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