One Danger Of Quoting The Founding Fathers

image of John Adams - an original one percenter

The other day a conservative friend of mine posted a John Adams quote that was a rant about letting people who didn’t own property the right to vote. My friend tried to use to support his argument about our current government system. While Adams did write the words that were posted, taking his words out of context to support your fantasy view of the world could be dangerous.

Here is the quote in question:

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‘You didn’t build that…’ not a new idea – ask Thomas Paine

image of Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine

Republicans went apoplectic when President Obama stated July 13th that people don’t build businesses in a vacuum. He said the government and indirectly all Americans help build those businesses. That idea isn’t a new one. Back in 2011 Elizabeth Warren expressed the same thoughts and it seems that even founding father Thomas Paine stated that idea in a pamphlet published in 1795.

As a reminder here is what President Obama actually said on July 13th:

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