My Favorite So Far: ‘No, It’s Not Your Opinion. You’re Just Wrong’

photo of a child crying
My Mommy says I’m never wrong….

A link to the essay ‘No, It’s Not Your Opinion. You’re Just Wrong’ came across my Facebook feed the other day and I fell in love with it. If I could I would have the post’s babies. Writer Jef Rouner sums up exactly how I feel when someone tries to avoid being wrong by saying ‘It’s my opinion..’. I am saving this text for the future because I will need it.

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Teens Need Some Kind Of Dress Code. It Just Needs To Be Fair

image from a public school dress code manual

There have been some news reports about young women in middle school and high school being sent home because the administrators have deemed their clothing inappropriate. An article, from 2013, on ThinkProgress gave me pause to reexamine my views on dress codes and the treatment of young women. While I feel any dress codes need to apply to all genders equally, I do believe that teens need some boundary setting.

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Governor Kasich Believes 1st Graders Need To Work And Believe In God

Governor John Kaisch
Kaisch: And there will be no more story time for 1st graders!

Ohio Governor John Kaisch made a couple of campaign appearances in Northwest Ohio on Thursday. In Bowling Green, he said he wanted to literally reform the hell out of education while making sure five year olds were ready to get jobs. Once again Kaisch will say anything to get elected.

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‘Last Man Standing’ Tells You To Break The Law And Read The Bible All In One Episode

screencap of Kristin (Amanda Fuller) arguing with her father Mike (Tim Allen) on the ABC show Last Man Standing
Kristin (Amanda Fuller) arguing with her father Mike (Tim Allen) on the ABC show Last Man Standing

This past Friday was the season premiere of the sitcom ‘Last Man Standing’ starring Tim Allen on ABC. He plays Mike Baxter. His character reminds me of a tamer Archie Bunker where he believes and says some ignorant and/or bigoted things but by the end of the 30 minutes it shows his views were wrong and he changes his views or he comes to understand the “other side”. But in the episode ‘Back to School’, one character is told to break the law so her child can go to a ‘good’ school and another character agrees that only god can give one a purpose in life. Did I just watch a Kirk Cameron movie? I need a shower now.

If you aren’t familiar with the show here is a blurb:

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Ohio Law Would Force Public Schools To Share Levy Money With Charter Schools

photo of Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman
Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman (D) supports taking money from public schools

This was a very scary read in the Columbus Dispatch. It seems a bill in the Ohio legislature, if passed, would require the Columbus City School District to share future levy funds with charter schools in the city. Some Democrats including Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman support the slap to Unions and voters. He and other supporters claim that the measure would improve education in the city but current science doesn’t support that view. The bill is another attempt to corporatize education and give a big pay day to Charter school operators.

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