Aaron Swartz Case Highlights Our Unbalanced Scales Of Justice

clipart of justice scales

I didn’t know who Aaron Swartz was before hearing about his death this weekend. I realized I had heard of him once his biography was reported when the story of his death spread across the Internet. It seems Swartz committed suicide and that action might have been the result of stress due to his upcoming trial for computer fraud and abuse. If convicted he was looking at least 35 to 50 years in federal prison. What crime did he commit with his computer? He “stole” information from behind a paywall that he believed should be free to the public since we paid for the creation of the information. While his death is tragic for his friends and family, his case shows how unbalanced our justice system can be.

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Presidential Wonder Twins Make Case For Obama Reelection

screencap of President Obama speaking at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
President Obama speaking at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

One glaring omission from the Republican National Convention was that President George W. Bush and most of his cabinet were missing in action. The Democrats had no such issue with their past office holder. On Wednesday President Clinton blasted the GOP in a tour de force speech that like the Clinton of old lasted way past the allotted time but he said so much. Elizabeth Warren also had a kick ass speech and then on Thursday night President Obama sealed the deal for his reelection with a great speech of his own.

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One Day Until Ohio Votes No On Issue 2

image of Ohio with a vote no on 2 logo

Tuesday is election day. Ohioans will be going to the polls to hopefully overturn Senate Bill 5, the massive over reach by cheap labor conservatives to punch unions and public employees as the GOP tries to further enrich their wealthy check signers. Here are a few last minute notes to support voting NO on Issue 2.

Governor Kasich and his party have absolutely no respect for the public employees who work hard serving the state and local areas.

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Speaker Boehner Demands President Help Pass Phantom Job Bills Stuck In Senate

image of  Speaker Boehner crying
image of Speaker Boehner's 10-27-2011 tweet

On Thursday US House Speaker John Boehner stood before reporters and, in an attempt to deflect growing pressure on his party’s obstruction of President Obama’s jobs plan, demanded the President help pass 15 so-called Jobs bills passed in the House and stuck in the Senate. The bills that Boehner defines as “job bills” have nothing to do with actual jobs. The bills only help the 1% by gutting EPA rules and allowing more environmentally suspect oil drilling.

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Occupy Columbus A Big Success

screencap from report about protest in Columbus Ohio

Saturday was the big global protest day as part of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and in Columbus hundreds showed up at the steps of the Ohio State House to join in the event. The top news station in town WBNS 10tv had a surprising objective report allowing for a good bit of face and sign time as well as mentioning the other locations of protest in the almost 4 minute report at the top of the 11 PM newscast.

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