Who To Vote For? The Answer Is Clear Even Six Months Out

image of President Obama in Ohio May 2012
President Obama in Ohio May 2012

It’s six months before the 2012 Presidential election here in the US. Six months of droning pundits, rallies, and millions of dollars spent on advertising. For me it is all a waste of time and effort. I’m ready to vote now – the person to vote for is obvious because I sure don’t want to go back to the dark days of President George W Bush economic policies.

If you listen to the mainstream media you would think that 2001-2008 didn’t happen. That was the eight years we had President George W Bush in office. Remember the 2008 election when President Obama won. If Bush’s policies had been so great then why did Obama win by such a large margin. He got 10 million more votes than John McCain in one of the largest turn outs in decades.

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Unemployed Republican Voter Parrots Ron Paul On Social Safety Net

screenshot of unemployed republican

Vanguard, on Current TV, is like 60 Minutes on steroids by focusing on one issue for the whole hour. After the Current TV special on the GOP Iowa debate held Saturday night, Vanguard showed a program titled “Two Americas” that compared and contrasted two families on either end of the income scale. One brief statement from the unemployed Dad parroted the views expressed by Ron Paul – that the social safety net should taken down and poor people supported by charity. His comments showed the disconnect I’ve seen before by poor Republicans who keep voting for cheap labor conservatives who steal from the 99% and give to the 1%.

The unemployed family of four moved to Houston, TX to get work after the Dad lost his $55,000 construction superintendent job. The Mom had just lost her $12 an hour job the previous month and the family was living on approximately $19,000 a year in unemployment – of course until it runs out. The other family of four had a Dad who is president and CEO of an energy trading company.

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