Late last night Republicans in the US Senate killed a bill that would provide a bridge loan to US automakers to prevent their collapse. What did they want in exchange for their vote? They wanted the UAW to make concessions on wages so that they make as much as workers in non-union foreign car plants that happened to be in the states many of the douchebags represent. How convenient.
Why do the Republicans hate America?
If the automakers fail next comes the suppliers then the suppliers of the suppliers and after any business dependant on car makers for their lively hood. You will see millions put out of work just so GOP douchebags can break a union.
What ticks me off more is the GOP douchebags never demanded wage concessions from Wall Street when they voted to give it $700 Billion.
Here is a list of Senators who voted for the Wall Street plan but voted against the automaker plan:
Bob Bennett, R-UT
Richard Burr, R-NC
Saxby Chambliss, R-GA
Tom Coburn, R-OK
Norm Coleman, R-MN
Bob Corker, R-TN
John Ensign, R-NV
Chuck Grassley, R-IA
Judd Gregg, R-NH
Orrin Hatch, R-UT
Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX
Johnny Isakson, R-GA
John Kyl, R-AZ
Mel Martinez, R-FL
John McCain, R-AZ
Mitch McConnell, R-KY
Lisa Murkowski, R-AK
John Thune, R-SD
Also note that Corker and McConnell have foreign owned car plants in their state so we know why they want to kill US automakers.
Job killing douchebags, every last one of them.
*Update* The douchebags even wrote out their plans to bust the union in a freaking memo!!!!