Conservatives must be flipping their minds

It must be awful for some of the more right wing conservatives these days. They lose the White House and the Congress. Arlen Specter switches to the Democrats almost giving them a fillerbuster proof majority. Polls are showing more people accept same sex marriage, believe the country is heading in the correct direction, want torture investigated, and give President Obama almost 70% job approval. And now Obama will get to name a Supreme Court Justice. The 20% who refuse to get on the band wagon are seen as the silly people they are with their teabagging and hysterical buying of guns and ammo.

I guess this is what happens when karma hits you in the ass – the people who support hatred, scapegoating, bigotry, and the irrational were dumped like a hot potato by the voting public.

Of course those on the left side of the political aisle are nervous, wondering when the other shoe will drop, waking us all from some kind of dream,

I just think it is so much better to have smart adults in charge of the government who don’t mind sharing information and the processes used to govern.

The photo op with Air Force One over New York was stupid, but if that is as stupid as it gets then I will be pleased.

The Republicans still haven’t accepted their own fault in their own demise and some like Mitt Romney and Eric Cantor are moving on like the 2008 elections never happened:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney compared the GOP to Americans fighting the British during the Revolutionary War. “We are the party of the revolutionaries, they [Democrats] are the party of the monarchists,” he told the overwhelmingly Republican crowd, saying the Republicans needed to “once again lead the American Revolution.”

Top Republicans kick off campaign to reshape their party’s image

Just really sad with their object denial of their actions the past 8 years.