The DNC Is Evil But Bernie Has A Problem With Votes Not A Conspiracy

Bernie campaigning

After Super Tuesday, my Facebook and Twitter feed was a cacophony of gnashing teeth and abject depression. Most of the people in my feeds support Bernie Sanders and he got pummeled on Tuesday by Joe Biden. Most of the complaints began and ended with the Democratic National Committee putting a thumb on the scale and that they never liked him. The DNC is evil but Bernie’s performance at the polls on Tuesday was the old school lack of votes.

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There Is No Compromise On Civil Rights If You Want My Vote

image of Democrat Heath Mello, running for Mayor of Omaha, NE is not a progressive
Democrat Heath Mello, running for Mayor of Omaha, NE is not a progressive

Sometimes I dislike people who focus on one single issue to decide if they will vote for a particular candidate. For example some friends of mine refused to vote for President Obama in 2012 because he used drones in the ‘war on terror’ that occasionally hurt innocent people. In 2016, some friends wouldn’t vote for Hillary because of mutual support from bankers on Wall Street (among other single issues others used). Civil rights aren’t just a policy issue or something to overlook in a candidate for the ‘greater good’. If you call yourself progressive, you either support civil rights or you don’t and if you don’t I won’t vote for you.

If a political candidate, claiming to be progressive, said she didn’t think black people should have equal rights, that person most likely wouldn’t get elected. That’s how I feel we should treat a candidate who doesn’t think women should have reproductive rights.

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5 Reasons Most Conservatives Are Terrible At Politics

image of a crowd of angry conservatives

This election is unlike ones I’ve experienced in my lifetime and some pundits claim it is the most off-the-wall campaign they’ve seen. All I know is that each election helps show how terrible conservatives are at politics.

I have a conservative friend who I’ve known since High School. He is a smart guy and successful in his area of employment but he’s terrible at politics. Like most conservatives he hates Hillary Clinton with a passion and like most conservatives he repeats every bad argument he’s read or heard to confirm his hate.

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Sorry GOP, Getting A Majority Of A 20% Voter Turnout Is NOT A Mandate

image of the new GOP logo

Boy the midterm elections held yesterday was a kick in the gut for Democrats. The party failed to get their voters to the polls. Running away from your accomplishments will do that. So why did they run away? It was combination of corporate money, a biased media, and organizational incompetence. I’m sure glad I am not a Democrat but it pisses me off they blew this election.

As one comedian put it:

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GOP Winning Strategy To Elect Democrats In 2014

image of Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the Republicans who wants to hold the government hostage over Obamacare

Republicans in Congress HATE the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). They have tried to repeal it 40 times while not even considering a needed jobs bill. They would rather put the 1% ahead of those who need help with the cost of basic health care. Now some of the rogue GOP members want to hold all us hostage by causing a government shut down this fall. They demand that Obamacare be defunded or else. They are under the delusion that jazzing up their small block of bigoted selfish voters will bring them overall victory in 2014 and 2016. Going for a shutdown will in fact bring a strong victory for Democrats.

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