Sign From Cheap Labor Conservative Doesn’t Add Up

A friend shared the image below and it caused me to question the authenticity. The text in the image claims it was written by a college senior who will graduate this year with no debt, has no electronics like an iPad or smartphone, and only works 30 hours a week on barely above minimum wage. Maths is not a good subject for the cheap labor conservatives and their arrogance is one of the reasons the “occupy wall street” movement started.

One of the side stories of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement are the story signs. People hold up signs with their personal stories about how they have been negatively impacted by the corporatism pervasive in our government. Some cheap labor conservatives co-opted that expression and use images of story signs to forward their wrong ideas about “Occupy Wall Street” and the people protesting.

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“But Rep. Paul Ryan has a BA in economics…”

Rep. Paul Ryan has a BS in Economics

What really drives me insane about the debt ceiling debate and discussions about cutting spending when the economy is in the tank is the politicians in DC ignoring the people who actually do economics as a job. Paul Ryan’s budget, Obama’s grand bargain, and the final deal all ignore the economic facts. Recently a tea party Republican was schooled by the Congressional Budget Office and I think all cheap labor conservatives need to read the detail of the event.

I had the following conversation with a conservative friend of mine recently:

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On major issues, Republican views have been different

Tea Party meeting not reality

During the recent debt ceiling debate the GOP and their right wing propaganda machine harped on the fact that then Senator Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006. He admitted that his vote was political but wasn’t needed to pass or defeat the raise. I learned today that the Republicans have also had changed views on taxes, favoring corporations, and health care reform.

According to Politifact, Senator Obama’s vote was typical and not needed:

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The Tea Party Downgrade

A Tea Party wet dream

Big thanks goes out to the Tea Party and Republicans for being big babies on taxes that led to the US to experience its first credit downgrade in history from credit agency Standard & Poor’s. Of course you might not hear that from those in the main stream media who like their false equivalencies. They will try to cover up the Tea Party involvement and to blame Democrats too. The truth is out there.

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Debt ceiling deal: A solution in search of a problem

Clipart of a hand shake

Just like during the budget fight last December, the ruling oligarchy took it to the last moment to agree on a deal on raising the debt ceiling. “Good” for them. The deal though is a solution looking for a problem.

As I have written before, cutting the budget now is stupid. It was stupid when it was done back at the end of last year.

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