“But Rep. Paul Ryan has a BA in economics…”

Rep. Paul Ryan has a BS in Economics

What really drives me insane about the debt ceiling debate and discussions about cutting spending when the economy is in the tank is the politicians in DC ignoring the people who actually do economics as a job. Paul Ryan’s budget, Obama’s grand bargain, and the final deal all ignore the economic facts. Recently a tea party Republican was schooled by the Congressional Budget Office and I think all cheap labor conservatives need to read the detail of the event.

I had the following conversation with a conservative friend of mine recently:

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The Tea Party Downgrade

A Tea Party wet dream

Big thanks goes out to the Tea Party and Republicans for being big babies on taxes that led to the US to experience its first credit downgrade in history from credit agency Standard & Poor’s. Of course you might not hear that from those in the main stream media who like their false equivalencies. They will try to cover up the Tea Party involvement and to blame Democrats too. The truth is out there.

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