Ohio Press Group Says We Deserve Better Political Reporting

offical image Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government
Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government

I found an interesting guest column in my local paper the other day from Dennis Hetzel, who is executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government. In his column, he admits that journalists in Ohio need to do a better job in reporting on the upcoming elections. Hetzel believes it should be based on issues and not the horse race. I’ve been complaining about that for years and I’m glad Hetzel offers some solutions.

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Hey Media! The N-Word Wasn’t The Story

screencap of ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl being clueless again
ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl being clueless again

It seems like most of the corporate media missed the actual point President Obama made when he used the N-word in a podcast interview that was released on Monday morning. Focusing on the word said rather than the President’s point is one more way the media avoids talking about racism in this country. It is even more ironic for white people to police the use of the N-word – and it proves the President’s point.

I watch the nightly news on ABC and their White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, is on the same “Tool” level as NBC’s Chuck Todd. Karl is someone who gets a notion and forces his reporting into that narrative. It happened again when he was *SHOCKED* *SHOCKED* I tell you when the Marc Maron interview of the President was released and the President said *gasp* the N-word. Karl clutched his pearls on Good Morning America, at the White House daily briefing, and kept at it during his appearance on World News Tonight.

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Dear Media: I Don’t Care Where Edward Snowden Is

photo of Edward Snowden
I don’t give a shit where Edward Snowden is

One of the big reasons I don’t trust ‘The Media’ nor like them much is their complicity in supporting the one percenters. Corporate control of news media gives us press releases passed off as facts and political talking points going unchallenged as long as they support the corporations. We see the same behavior in the coverage of whistle blower Edward Snowden, where ‘The Media’ is more concerned in his location than in the facts he disclosed about the domestic surveillance program by the NSA. Hey media, I don’t give a shit where the guy is – when are you going to talk about the spying he uncovered?

This past Sunday, corporate tool David Gregory said some stupid shit as David Sirota points out:

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Columbus Dispatch Snuffs Out The Other Paper

image of the logo for The Other Paper Columbus

It was announced on Friday (01/04/2012) that The Dispatch Printing Company would be shutting down the alternative paper The Other Paper (TOP) here in Columbus. Those of us who have read TOP over the years know that TOP died when the Dispatch bought it over a year ago. After the purchase, Columbus lost our only real alternative paper in the city.

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My Prediction For The 2nd Presidential Debate

clipart of Doug's Debate Predictor Hat

On Tuesday, October 16th, President Obama and Mitt Romney will have their 2nd of three debates at Hofstra University. It will be a town hall style debate, with questions asked by undecided** voters, which means there won’t be any podiums and the candidates will get to walk around. I’m sure you’re like me and you have other things to do and don’t want to watch the full debate, I’m going to put on my pointy election debate cap and make a prediction on the winner.

Basically the Romney campaign needs the debate to be a win or at least a draw.

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