Dems bend over for a lame duck President – again

Remember all the brouhaha about warantless eavesdropping by the NSA that President Bush kept arguing was needed to “fight terrorism”? Remember how the Democratic leadership went nuts and threatened legal action and hearings etc… etc..?

If not read this NSA warrantless surveillance controversy

Well in an about face, some Dems broke ranks and voted to approve S. 1927 that now makes such wiretapping “legal”.

The bill passed the Senate 60 to 28 (16 Democrats sold out our rights) and passed the House 227 to 183 (with 43 Democrats selling us out).

The bill allows the government to intercept phone calls and e-mails from anyone including US citizens as long as there is some thread of connection to terrorism. It also removed oversight of the taps from the secret FISA court and gave it to the Attorney General – the guys who likes to lie to Congress.

The bill, listed on the House roll call list, is titled “Protect America Act” but they left off the rest. The full title should be “Protect America Act from stupid terrorists who use common methods to transmit information about their activities”.

The point of some Democrats passing the bill is summed up in this quote:

They also appeared worried about the political repercussions of being perceived as interfering with intelligence gathering. But the disputes were significant enough that they are likely to resurface before the end of the year.

House Approves Changes in Eavesdropping

Once again the Dems bend over for a lame duck President with a 28% approval rating – amazing.

For more info on this stupid action check out:

Why I won’t contribute to the DCCC

Senate Democrats Bend Over, Hand Bush The K-Y And Vote For Warrantless Wiretaps For No Reason Other Than Craven Cowardice

Congressman Oxley announces retirement

The Toledo Blade reported moments ago that Rep. Mike Oxley (R-Findlay) would retire at the end of his term next year.

Mr. Oxley, 61, who has represented Ohio’s 4th Congressional District since 1981, cited House rules requiring him the relinquish his chairmanship of the powerful House Financial Services Committee at the end of this term as one of the factors in his decision. He must give up his chairmanship due to term limits.

“After a lot of thought and conversations with a lot of people…I’ve decided not to seek re-election next year,” Mr. Oxley told a crowd of about 200 people during a breakfast at the Findlay Country Club. “It was a tough decision.”

Congressman Oxley announces retirement

More later as events warrant plus I’ll add my 2 cents.

Kudos to the Toledo Blade on Oxley articles

Hope you all had a chance to read the Toledo Blade series on Rep. Mike Oxley (R-Findlay) who “represents” the 4th Congressional District.

A majority of the evidence against Oxley has been known, at least to me, for many years yet reading the totality of it makes me wonder how he keeps getting re-elected every time.

Oxley is like so many other elected officials in “safe” districts. Instead of representing all the people in their district, they become the tool for outside interests or advance their own agenda.

Oxley doesn’t represent all the people in the 4th district. It seems he only represents the members of the Findlay Chamber of Commerce and special business interests who “donate” millions of dollars to his campaign in hopes of influencing Oxley’s vote. It seems to have worked.

The fraud perpetrated by Enron, Worldcom, and other corporations who used relaxed rules to enrich themselves, can be laid at the feet of Oxley.

It is true that Oxley labels all criticism of his work as rants of liberals. That is the only rebuttal he can use. His record doesn’t help him.

Oxley is a sad example of the disintegration of our democracy. It isn’t a good thing.

Blade Oxley Series

Originally posted on the blog “Hancock County Politics Unfiltered”

Toledo Blade Investigates Rep. Oxley

Well it had to happen. After Enron and Worldcom and the other multibillion dollar busts brought on by deregulation and greed, it seems that the focus is moving onto the people in govt. who let it happen.

One person is Rep. Mike Oxley (R-Findlay) who is chair of the House committee that helped Enron and others steal billions from investors and customers.

The Toledo Blade is doing a three day series on Oxley and how much of a tool he really is. (pun intended..)

The Price of Power Politics

DAY ONE: Resistance to business regulation paved way for accounting scandals
Oxley rejected calls for safeguards before major corporations collapsed


WASHINGTON – Arthur Levitt knew there was a problem – one that could drain the savings of millions of Americans.

The government’s top Wall Street watchdog had cut his teeth as a stockbroker in New York – a place where executives always tried to make their profits look big, and where accountants tried to keep them honest.

But by the 1990s, the lines were blurring. Accountants were now making more money on corporate consulting than on corporate auditing.

As chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Levitt saw a clear conflict of interest, and in 2000 he decided to try to stop the practice.

He didn’t get far.

Standing in his way was the accounting industry and some of its best friends in Congress – including Mike Oxley, chairman of a subcommittee that oversaw the SEC. The industry showered Mr. Oxley and other congressmen with campaign cash. They beat back Mr. Levitt’s attempts at reform.

A year later Enron would become a household name – the first in a series of dramatic corporate collapses caused by the failure of accountants, executives, and bankers.

As investors lost billions, reformers demanded changes.

Mr. Levitt had been right.

Click Here for the full series!

Originally posted on the blog “Hancock County Politics Unfiltered”