Use Religious Freedom To Refuse To Do Business With Christians

If Christians can claim religious freedom as cover for their bigotry then maybe those of us who oppose them can refuse to do business with Christians. I mean fair is fair and religious freedom should be a two way street. Christians claim their religion prevents them from doing business or treating LGBTQs then atheists and non-Christians should be free to refuse to do business with Christians.

Here is a graphic I drew up to help a business refuse to serve serve Christians:

And don’t worry, religious freedom will protect you.

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Oh Joy, My Congressional Representative Got An Award From A Hate Group

part of a larger image showing Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)

My Congressional Representative, Bob Latta (R-5), just received an award from the Family Research Council (FRC) for his commitment to ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-family’ values. It’s obvious that Latta doesn’t mind palling around with a hate group.

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Lack Of Pre-Paid Postage On Absentee Ballot Is A De Facto Poll Tax

image of No Poll Tax Here button

I got my absentee ballot this week for the coming general election in November. Checking out the document and filling it out reminded me of a point about the process I wanted to make. Although it’s great people in Ohio can vote absentee without a reason, the powers that be – namely the Republicans – don’t like absentee voting and put obstacles in the way. One obstacle – postage – can be seen as a de facto poll tax and is unfair to poor people.

Here is an image of my ballot return envelope:

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Michael Brown Was A Human Being

photo of Police in Ferguson, Missouri watching protest
Why would police in Ferguson, Missouri need a sniper on an armored truck for an unarmed non-violent protest?

Michael Brown was shot by a police officer on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. His shooting led to several weeks of protests, which sometimes got violent. His shooting illustrates not just racism but much worse. The treatment of Michael Brown and African-Americans like him shows a general attempt to dehumanize a group of people. If we stay silent about it, how long before we are next?

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FOX Business Channel Supports Slavery In History Revision

screenshot of 'Judge' Andrew Napolitano
‘Judge’ Andrew Napolitano don’t know much about history

Conservatives try to adopt President Lincoln as their Republican icon but libertarians have an issue with how Lincoln ended slavery. Yes, libertarians are more concerned about the ‘free market’ then about people OWNING other people. But we already knew how some libertarians are plain assholes. That aspect of libertarianism was on full display recently on the FOX Business Channel (FBC).

In a Black History segment on FBC on February 14th, ‘Judge’ Andrew Napolitano falsely blamed Abraham Lincoln for the Civil War.

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