My Vote Is Open For The Highest Bid

created image showing a ballot with words For Sale on it

We all know that the US Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United case that for the purpose of elections, corporations are people. That means laws that try to limit the amount of money a corporation spends to influence elections are unconstitutional. This has led to billions of dollars flooding into local, state, and national elections. With that in mind I want my share. Early voting has begun in my state and so my vote is for sale. I want a slice of the loot.

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Opponents Of Ohio Redistricting Amendment Air Misleading Ad

image of the banner reading Yes! on Issue 2 in Ohio

State Issue 2 will be on the ballot in Ohio to reform the way congressional districts are drawn after each census. A cross section of groups from the League of Women Voters to the Ohio Libertarian Party support the amendment. The Republicans and those wanting to keep the power to draw district lines are opposed. The opponents recently started airing a commercial that attempts to mislead the voters about State Issue 2.

Before I talk about why the opposition’s ad is misleading, I want to explain why State Issue 2 is needed.

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New Romney Ad Claims Ohio Doing Poorly But Don’t Tell Governor Kasich

image of Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney: Don’t look behind the curtain!

Now that the party conventions are over, the meat of the 2012 US Presidential campaign gets underway. Non-stop campaign stops in battle ground states and wall-to-wall advertisements on TV and radio. Except this week here in Ohio. Ads from the Romney campaign have been few and far between. Since the Democratic Convention ended I’ve seen one ad from a pro-Romney super pac and one Romney ad. Picking up where the GOP left off during their convention, the new Romney ad is less than truthful and contradicts Ohio’s Republican Governor John Kasich.

Text used in the new Romney ad titled “A Better Future: Ohio – Manufacturing”:

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‘Has President Obama Earned Your Vote?’ Ad Missing Something

screencap of End credits to Americans for Prosperity ad

Americans for Prosperity started airing a new ad against President Obama that had three people identified has having voted for the President in 2008 and who now talk about not voting for his re-election 2012. One actual fact slips out from the talking heads but the ad is missing something important. Can you guess what is missing?

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Best 2012 US Election Ad So Far

Screencap from Obama election ad 'Reverse'

I hate a lot of the political ads blasting away on my TV but I love this one – President Obama’s ad is short and to the point giving a reason for his re-election “Remember how things were in 2008? Do we really want to reverse course now?”

Most of the ads I’ve been seeing on my local stations are false negative ads from third party groups from Karl Rove to the US Chamber of Commerce against the President and Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. The local stations refuse to not air the false ads because they think they have to air all of them regardless if they are factual.

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