Viral Rant Highlights The Need To Speak Up When Confronted With Racism

Screencap from racist rant video
Screencap from racist rant video

Millions have seen the viral video of a white woman’s racist rant toward two Latina women at a Kentucky store. During the whole video, I didn’t once hear or see anyone in the crowd telling the woman to stop her rant. It actually bothered me just as much as the actual racism because when we let the racism happen without interfering then we seem to be enabling the racism and inviting more of it in the future.

I won’t post the video but you can go to the NBC News website for their story and they include a segment of the video.

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ABC News Throws Shade And Helps Apply A Smear For Gov. Rick Perry

created image of Texas Gov. Rick Perry thanks ABC News for the shade

I was watching the Sunday evening edition of ABC World News and they had a report about the recent indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry. It basically was a hatchet job for Perry making the elected official, he tried to force to resign, out be crazy and allowing Perry to play the victim

Even someone ignorant of current events could tell that the ABC News report by Jeff Zeleny is carrying water for Governor Perry by making him out be a victim and the smearing the Travis County District Attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg, who happens to be a Democrat. Context is everything.

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