Presenting Milo Yiannopoulos As A No-Talent Clown Doesn’t Work If You Don’t Actually Do It

screencap of Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos on 'Real Time' 02/17/2017
Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos on ‘Real Time’ 02/17/2017

Milo Yiannopoulos is an Internet troll who gained ‘fame’ for being a gay Howard Stern. He has many fascist fan boys and men’s rights cry babies in a swoon because he says nasty things about minorities. He has had several appearances at colleges shut down due to protests or security fears. Milo Yiannopoulos is a no-talent clown but to tell liberals to not worry doesn’t work since another no-talent clown was put in the White House.

Yiannopoulos had the biggest stage of his short career when he was booked as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday night. Maher doesn’t like it when liberals refuse to give a platform to trolls like Yiannopoulos. Maher claims to support free speech.

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It Is Not Racist To Criticize Islam

screenshot of Ben and Bill debating

This weekend social media blew up when comedian Bill Maher and actor Ben Affleck debated Maher’s views about Islam on his HBO show. Affleck makes the same mistake most liberals make when religion is involved in a debate, they conflate criticism with ‘racism’. Ideas like that lead us to blasphemy laws.

The heated portion of the debate started after comments from author Sam Harris:

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The reason for the season

It is Christmas time again and the religious complain about not celebrating the reason for the season. The problem is which reason should we use, if any? There are several prophet legends born on December 25th to choose from.

Comedian Bill Maher posted a few on his twitter feed:

Mithra – born 12/25, 12 disciples, died-rose on 3rd day, performed miracles, known as Lamb, “the way the truth the light” 600 yrs before JC

Buddha: 12 disciples, walked on water, fed 500 from ’small basket of cakes’,healed the sick…his mom? A virgin

Krishna:virgin birth, baptized in river,raised dead,carpenter son,persecuted,crucified,ascended to heaven. 1,000 yrs before u-know-who

Horus: announced by star in east on Dec 25, attended by 3 wise men , died, resurrected, mom a virgin…do you see a pattern here?

Or as some one else put it:

Merry misappropriated pagan solstice ritual, everyone.