The DNC Is Evil But Bernie Has A Problem With Votes Not A Conspiracy

Bernie campaigning

After Super Tuesday, my Facebook and Twitter feed was a cacophony of gnashing teeth and abject depression. Most of the people in my feeds support Bernie Sanders and he got pummeled on Tuesday by Joe Biden. Most of the complaints began and ended with the Democratic National Committee putting a thumb on the scale and that they never liked him. The DNC is evil but Bernie’s performance at the polls on Tuesday was the old school lack of votes.

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There Is No Compromise On Civil Rights If You Want My Vote

image of Democrat Heath Mello, running for Mayor of Omaha, NE is not a progressive
Democrat Heath Mello, running for Mayor of Omaha, NE is not a progressive

Sometimes I dislike people who focus on one single issue to decide if they will vote for a particular candidate. For example some friends of mine refused to vote for President Obama in 2012 because he used drones in the ‘war on terror’ that occasionally hurt innocent people. In 2016, some friends wouldn’t vote for Hillary because of mutual support from bankers on Wall Street (among other single issues others used). Civil rights aren’t just a policy issue or something to overlook in a candidate for the ‘greater good’. If you call yourself progressive, you either support civil rights or you don’t and if you don’t I won’t vote for you.

If a political candidate, claiming to be progressive, said she didn’t think black people should have equal rights, that person most likely wouldn’t get elected. That’s how I feel we should treat a candidate who doesn’t think women should have reproductive rights.

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Ohio Press Group Says We Deserve Better Political Reporting

offical image Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government
Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government

I found an interesting guest column in my local paper the other day from Dennis Hetzel, who is executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government. In his column, he admits that journalists in Ohio need to do a better job in reporting on the upcoming elections. Hetzel believes it should be based on issues and not the horse race. I’ve been complaining about that for years and I’m glad Hetzel offers some solutions.

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#BlackLivesMatter Should Be An Equal Opportunity Disruption

Bernie Sanders gets a earful from a protester in Seattle

For the 2nd time, A Bernie Sanders rally was shut down by activists of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This time it was a rally in the supposed progressive city of Seattle. Once again the BLM people made a statement that does need to be said but I sure would like to see them shut down Republican rallies or even Hillary Clinton rallies. If they want national attention then they should be an equal opportunity disruption.

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

image of a person with thinking cap

One part of political debate I like is using images to make a point. Whether it is a chart or a quote image, these graphics hold on to the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. They are also easy to share in social media. However one still needs to be careful one isn’t sharing inaccurate information. Don’t post or share any graphic unless you can confirm the accuracy of the information.

Earlier this year this chart was making the rounds of the blogs I read:

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