Even Popular People Make Mistakes

official photo of Former Ohio State University Marching Band Director Jon Waters
Former Ohio State University Marching Band Director Jon Waters

Two recent news stories illustrated what happens when people who have gained some popularity either nationally or in their community make a poor choice. Supporters of that person bring in a lot of emotion and defensiveness with the intent of protecting their ‘hero’. It might not seem fair, but we must not base our judgement just on personal experiences with the person but on the facts and evidence that are revealed. A higher standard of behavior is required if the popular person deals with students.

On July 24th, The Ohio State University fired their Marching band director Jon Waters for not doing enough to change a culture that was “sexualized”. Basically he was fired for dragging his feet when sexual assaults and harassment were reported to him and didn’t do enough to end suspect practices like Midnight Ramp and vulgar activities during band trips.

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