Before You Support The Deputy Who Was Fired For Assaulting A Teen Girl…

screencap of South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl
South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl in viral video

Another incident of police excessive force was seen around the world when video of an encounter between a Sheriff’s deputy and a teen girl in South Carolina went viral. Of course there has been much ink and video shed in support of the deputy, even some who are blaming the girl for her own assault. Before you support the deputy there are some things to consider.

It seems the deputy planned to use force from the start no matter what happened:

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ABC News Throws Shade And Helps Apply A Smear For Gov. Rick Perry

created image of Texas Gov. Rick Perry thanks ABC News for the shade

I was watching the Sunday evening edition of ABC World News and they had a report about the recent indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry. It basically was a hatchet job for Perry making the elected official, he tried to force to resign, out be crazy and allowing Perry to play the victim

Even someone ignorant of current events could tell that the ABC News report by Jeff Zeleny is carrying water for Governor Perry by making him out be a victim and the smearing the Travis County District Attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg, who happens to be a Democrat. Context is everything.

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