Jon Husted Made It Easier For Military To Vote But Obstructs African-Americans

photo of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted aired his first campaign ad this week. The ad hypes a program that treats members of the military better than average Ohio citizens by bending over backwards so they can vote. The program is one reason Husted keeps loosing in Federal court as he keeps trying to obstruct voting for non-military Ohioans and especially African-Americans.

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I Voted Today

I mailed in my absentee ballot today. I made the following choices…….

As my mom use to say when I would ask her who she voted for – “None of your damn business….”

Let’s just say if the person had an “R” party id they didn’t make my list. Of course there was some local races where the “R” person had no challengers but for the most part I picked the “D” when I could.

I like voting absentee. I would get to a court race or issue and not have a clue, so I would use the Internet and look the person up or read more details about the issue to make my choice.

This election the ballot was 3 pages long.

For more info visit your county board of election website.