Huckabee Political Career Is Thanks To The Clintons

photo of Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee

I read, with amusement, Mike Huckabee telling reporters in New Hampshire, that he survived the Clinton political machine before and he hoped to do it again in his run for President in 2016. History shows that Huchabee owes his entire political career to President and Hillary Clinton. If not for them, Huckabee might be a preacher in some backwater small town now. His comments about the Clintons are disingenuous at best.

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Progressive Love For Rand Paul Is Dangerous For Everyone Else

photo of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

Senator Rand Paul, a ‘libertarian’ darling, is running for President. Some on the left and some progressives seem to love him because he supports a few liberal issues like being against a Big Brother style government and against war. It’s dangerous to support a candidate running for a national office, like President, based only on a couple of narrow issues, especially ones that won’t help 90% of the rest of the country. It might be fun to get high with him but then you would need to put up with his non-liberal views on women, religion, and civil rights.

Most progressive love for Rand Paul goes like this recent exchange on Democracy Now!:

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Warren: What Does It Mean To Be A Progressive?

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts

If Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts runs for President in 2016, I would love to vote for her. She doesn’t make excuses about what we should believe in and I wish all Democrats would have her backbone. Speaking at this weekend’s Netroots Nation conference in Detroit, Warren laid out some values that Progressives need to have today. I agree with all of them.

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