Taliban Like Christians Force Two Defenders Of The Constitution From Office

Map of Ohio showing dot where Carey is located

The village of Carey, Ohio (pop. approx. 3500) is about 60 miles south east of Toledo. Known for Limestone quarries and The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, the town is your average small town. It is unusual for a Mayor of a small town to make waves and in this case trying to defend the US Constitution caused such a fuss that the mayor decided to resign rather than argue or deal with threats from those in town looking to institute Christian style Sharia law.

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As Missouri Shows, Controversial Issues Aren’t Addressed With Silence And Censorship

image of Missouri protesters
Protests over racism at the University of Missouri led to resignation of school’s President

Last week there were protests at the University of Missouri that led to the resignation of the school’s President for not responding to incidents of racism on campus. After the good that came from that organized action I was bothered by the treatment of student journalists by protesters who were biased just because of past treatment of their issues by other journalists. Discussion of controversial issues can’t happen with silence and/or censorship. Creating a bubble in public as a safe-space doesn’t actually resolve problems, it creates more of them.

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Relax, You Can Still Hate Same-Sex Marriage

created clipart showing a rainbow flag behind a church

After the historic US Supreme Court decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, affirming the right of LGBT people to marry and have their marriages recognized in all 50 states, political and religious conservatives whined and cried about the end of religion as we know it and claimed there would be massive lawsuits to force pastors and churches to perform same-sex marriages besides the usual ‘God will smite us all’ end times rhetoric. Relax conservatives, you can still hate same-sex marriage. You just can’t stop them from happening now.

One of my favorite sections of the decision:

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Use Religious Freedom To Refuse To Do Business With Christians

If Christians can claim religious freedom as cover for their bigotry then maybe those of us who oppose them can refuse to do business with Christians. I mean fair is fair and religious freedom should be a two way street. Christians claim their religion prevents them from doing business or treating LGBTQs then atheists and non-Christians should be free to refuse to do business with Christians.

Here is a graphic I drew up to help a business refuse to serve serve Christians:

And don’t worry, religious freedom will protect you.

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Getting On The Duck Dynasty Bandwagon Says More About You

image of Phil Robertson

The media, both broadcast and social, was a buzz when Phil Robertson who stars on the ‘reality’ TV show Duck Dynasty said some nasty things about gays and African-Americans in a magazine interview. Needless to say my Facebook feed lit up with my conservative friends coming to Phil’s defense and standing with him. Not a peep was said about what he said they only complained about Robertson being suspended from the show. The lack of comments about what Robertson said says a lot about conservatives.

First off I want to head off the casual argument I’ve seen where people try to deny Robertson said anything bad or that he was misquoted.

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