A New Cover Means A Contest

New cover for Dancing in the Banana Factory
New cover for Dancing in the Banana Factory

When I published my first collection of short stories back in 2013, I used an online tool to create the cover. It was provided by the company that prints the book and was limited in what could be done. I was never really happy with the cover. I recently hired someone better at Photoshop than I am and my book now has a new cover. In celebration I am having a contest.

I really need some reviews of my book on Amazon, Smashwords, iTunes, and Barnes & Knoble.

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Write A Review And I’ll Use Your Name In A Future Story

image of 2014 NaNoWriMo participant badge

Saturday November 1st is the start of the annual National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This is where writers across the country try to write a novel with at least 50,000 words by November 30th. This year I plan to participate for the first time. In connection with the project and to help sell my previous book, if you write a review for it, I will use your name in a future story. It’s win-win.

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My New Book: Dancing in the Banana Factory

front cover for my book Dancing in the Banana Factory

I now have a book and it has little to do with the political and social issue essays I write about here on Doug’s Views. It is a collection of short stories that have been taking up space on my computer, and in various notebooks, over the years. Late last year, I decided to finally self-publish the stories and the final product is available for sale.

This debut collection is 18 short stories that were written from the late 1980’s to last year. The average is no more than 10 pages per story but there a couple that go longer. I also included a couple of short-shorts that I wrote for a contest I didn’t win.

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