Someone who influenced my life, even though he didn’t know it, passed away on Saturday.
Dick Daugherty was a DJ at WFIN radio for as long as I could remember. He hosted a Big Band show on the weekends on the AM station. It was on that show that would get my first taste of some great music that popular in the 1940’s and Daugherty would pass on trivia or other tidbits about the artists or music. 
I learned about Glenn Miller, Bennie Goodman, and all the stars that younger people today may not have heard. Big Band music is one of my favorite forms of music.
Daugherty also had a hand in the summer concert seasons at the Band Shell at Riverside Park and he played drums for some of the bands that played there.
WFIN back then had an eclectic weekend of programing – from church programs, polka music, and for several hours Mexican music.