Isn’t It Great, People Who Get Free Health Care Want To Cut Yours

offical image of Sen. Lindsey Graham
December douchebag Sen. Lindsey Graham (R)

The Congress, led by the Republicans, where members get free healthcare and a tax payer funded pension, are insisting that Social Security and Medicare must be cut to get a budget deal to prevent a fall off the fake fiscal cliff. Isn’t it great that people who don’t need a social safety net want to cut and gut it for those who do? Isn’t that what America is all about?

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Born Again Actor Won’t Quit His Filthy Job

screencap of Jon Cryer with Angus T Jones on the show Two & Half Men
Jon Cryer with Angus T Jones on the show Two & Half Men

The CBS sitcom Two and Half Men has been on the air for almost ten years. In that time we have watch the 1/2 man, Jake, played by actor Angus T. Jones, grow up into the young man he is today. This week a YouTube video had Jones, a recent born again Christian, pleading for his fans to stop watching his show because it was nothing but filth and part of Satan’s plan. I respect his commitment to his new faith but it is obvious he doesn’t mind cashing the paychecks from his filthy show.

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Be Thankful You Have A Job And Other Corporatist Hogwash

image showing A Walmart protest in Maryland in 2012

There was an organized protest of Walmart employees timed for the largest shopping day known as Black Friday. Some cheap labor Republicans complained about the protests saying it was an attack on job creators by Unions. One of my conservative friends said that people should be thankful to have a job. When I hear that excuse for poor treatment of workers it makes me mad. Walmart is one of the worse offenders and if we didn’t have laws against sweat shops they would probably do that too.

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About The Game And Where Hindsight Is Virtue

Logo of Ohio State University

Ohio State and the team north of them play this Saturday (11/24) in their annual rivalry game. The difference is that Ohio State is 11-0 but is banned from post season play so ‘The Game’ is our Bowl game and championship all rolled into one. The Ohio State biased newspaper The Columbus Dispatch thinks having a bowl ban this season was a wrong result of the NCAA punishment the school got for Tattoogate. If only hindsight was a real thing to use in making decisions.

Ohio State got a bowl ban and other NCAA punishment after Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor, as well as several other teammates, had been involved with selling memorabilia for tattoos and money. Urban Meyer became coach in 2011 and in his first season has the Buckeyes undefeated at 11-0 with nothing else to play for except to beat their rivals from the state north of Ohio.

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My Thanks To Our Veterans

image of Raising the flag on Iwo Jima

My Dad was a US Marine in Vietnam and my grandfather served in the 100th Infantry Division during World War II. Much to the chagrin of my mother I was interested in military service growing up. I thought the uniforms and equipment were cool and I like to camp, right? I had no idea about the mental and physical costs to paid serving in the military. It is nothing like the Hollywood version of war (Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers excepted). I tip my hat to all those who serve or have served in the military.

Here is the Marine Corp Band playing “Stars and Stripes Forever”

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