Could Local Versions Of JobsOhio Be Coming To Your City?

images of the Hancock County Ohio commissioners
Hancock County (OH) commissioners (clockwise) Phillip A Riegle, Mark D Gazarek, & Brian J Robertson

It seems the now secretive work of economic development to hide giveaways to corporations who may or may not create any jobs in Ohio has arrived in Hancock County. On Tuesday, the county commissioners went into executive session to secretly discuss what they claimed was economic development issues. It seems the Ohio state legislature put in the recent budget law a section that allows county and city governments to close meetings to the public when it will be discussing economic development. How much do you want to bet that soon we will see county taxpayer supported slush funds for corporate giveaway like the state’s JobsOhio.

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Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor Lies Again

Offical imgae of Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor
Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor

Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor was speaking at a Lincoln Day lunch in Findlay Ohio on Monday and she couldn’t help but lie once again about the Affordable Care Act and Governor Kasich’s policies. It wasn’t surprising but if I were a Republican I would be upset with a party leader giving me false information. Anyone who reads the news knows she lied.

As reported in the Findlay (OH) Courier:

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Findlay Risks Future Looking For Perfect Flood Control Plan

screencap of a Water Rescue in Findlay Ohio December 2013
Water Rescue in Findlay Ohio December 2013

I grew up in Findlay Ohio and I have family still living there. Back in August of 2007, Findlay made national news when a massive flood hit the area. The river crested at the same level as the terrible flood of 1913 and caused as much damage. Since then there has been three other major floods including the one that occurred this past Sunday. After each flood the same thing has happened. There has been clean up and talk of doing something about the flooding. Six years on it is still all talk. Dragging out the needed plan will only hurt Findlay in the long term. Maybe they shouldn’t be looking for the perfect plan.

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When A Write-In Wins A Contested Election There Is More To The Story

John Harrington won election as a write-in
John Harrington won election as a write-in

One problem with our overcomplicated and biased election system here in the US is the rare occurrence of a write-in candidate winning a contested seat. It happened on November 5th when John Harrington won the 5th Ward seat on the Findlay Ohio City Council. The news isn’t that a write-in won but about the battle between establishment Republicans and Tea Party Republicans in a civil war for the soul of the party.

Findlay Ohio rarely elected a democrat for any office the exception being maverick John Sausser. He was the Mayor in the late 60’s and early 70s and returned to council in 2001. He was more of what we now call a Blue Dog type of Democrat. He hated most taxes for example. For the most part Findlay and Hancock county is deep red Republican.

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Ohio Sheriff Calls President Obama An Enemy And Will Not Enforce Laws He Doesn’t Like

official image of Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman
Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman

Think law nullification is a quaint old timey southern strategy that was used to defend slavery in the 1860’s and segregation in the 1960’s? An Ohio Sheriff actually wrote a letter to President Obama not only implying the President is an enemy of the people but that the Sheriff would refuse to enforce any law which he personally didn’t agree. That’s right, he thinks the oath he took to uphold the laws and constitution of Ohio and the United States allows him to nullify laws he personally objects to.

In a letter dated February 1st, Hancock County Ohio Sheriff Michael Heldman decided to tell off the President of the United States:

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