State Rep. Robert Sprague Tries To Use Ohio Budget To Stick It To Recovering Drug Addicts

offical photo of State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay
State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay

State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay, is using the typical Ohio GOP trick of adding terrible legislation to the state budget so the nasty part can’t be repealed through a referendum. The terrible law he doesn’t want to expose to the ballot box? Extra rules on the placement of community drug addiction recovery homes. Which is ironic because addressing drug abuse is one of Sprague’s causes he trumpets in his press releases and through normally introduced legislation.

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Hancock County Commissioners Delay Payment To Play Political Game On Recovery House Plan

Hancock County Commissioner Mark D Gazarek

Somethings never seem to change in my hometown of Findlay, Ohio. The city and county is red-red Republican and irrational politics even seep into addiction recovery services. It caused the county commissioners to delay paying a contract so they could interfere in a local dust up over a recovery house location. They claimed the delay was not political but then explained why it was. Meanwhile people in real need of help get ignored.

Back in early January, there was an “uproar” when some Findlay citizens found out that the Hancock County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) bought a house in a “affluent” section of Findlay near an elementary school, a parochial school, and the Findlay Country Club.

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Oh Joy, My Congressional Representative Got An Award From A Hate Group

part of a larger image showing Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)

My Congressional Representative, Bob Latta (R-5), just received an award from the Family Research Council (FRC) for his commitment to ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-family’ values. It’s obvious that Latta doesn’t mind palling around with a hate group.

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Findlay City Council Takes Its Money And Goes Home

seal of the City of Findlay

I got a huge chuckle out of the recent arguments on Findlay City Council over Bed Tax give aways to a certain non-profit group and not to others who asked. It gives an air of impropriety to the actions of an elected body especially when the people argue for an action that will benefit their friends.

A Bed Tax is collected from users of hotels and motels and is shared by the city of Findlay and Hancock county. Last year it amounted to about $510,000.

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