Before You Support The Deputy Who Was Fired For Assaulting A Teen Girl…

screencap of South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl
South Carolina deputy assaulting teen girl in viral video

Another incident of police excessive force was seen around the world when video of an encounter between a Sheriff’s deputy and a teen girl in South Carolina went viral. Of course there has been much ink and video shed in support of the deputy, even some who are blaming the girl for her own assault. Before you support the deputy there are some things to consider.

It seems the deputy planned to use force from the start no matter what happened:

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Stereotype Busted: Poor People Are Lazy Moochers

image of people in line at an Unemployment office

I’m sure many people have some evil thoughts about going to work, especially after what seems like a too short of a weekend. ‘Why don’t I just go on welfare so I don’t have to work. I want to lay around all day drinking and popping out kids to get more welfare. It has to be easier than my life.’ Those of us who actually have experience with public assistance knew welfare didn’t make all poor people lazy moochers looking for free stuff. Now some actual research backs us up.

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Even With Problematic Language, Marijuana Legalization Should Be Passed In Ohio

created image for Issue 3 in Ohio 2015

With the election not far away, I needed to take a look at the various state issues on the ballot in November. The two getting the most press is State Issue 2 and 3. Issue 3 would legalize marijuana in Ohio while setting up a limited number of licensed growers. Issue 2, if passed, could invalidate marijuana legalization even if Issue 3 passed. After looking at the ballot language of both issues, Issue 2 needs to fail and even with the problematic language, Issue 3 should be passed.

Let’s look at the one problem with Issue 3 even some who support marijuana legalization have a beef with:

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The Time For Columbus Day Is Over

image of Columbus Day protesters

Today, in my part of the world, is Columbus Day. It’s suppose to honor Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas in 1492. Like alot of holidays observed in this country Columbus Day is full of myths and missing history. In Columbus’ case the history that tends to be overlooked should not be overlooked. I think it’s time to stop with Columbus Day and replace it with a holiday that honors the people who were in the New World first – the Native Americans.

Christopher Columbus was known as the Donald Trump of his era – a tireless self-promoter who used sometimes unethical methods to advance himself. Columbus was also ignorant of the Indigenous people he met and started the systematic subjugation and genocide of the native population of the islands he visited.

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