Mayor Mihalik Says ‘Nothing To See Here’ Concerning Secret Business Tax Scheme

image of Findlay Ohio Mayor Lydia Mihalik
Findlay Ohio Mayor Lydia Mihalik

Findlay, Ohio Mayor Lydia Mihalik spoke to the Findlay Rotary Club this week. It was basically a state-of-the-city speech telling the business community how well we are doing economically. What caught my attention came at the end of the speech concerning a secret business tax deferment scheme causing some drama at city hall. The Mayor basically said there was nothing to see here and to move along. Why should we take her word for it?

To understand how this is worrisome, you need a short review on the secret scheme. Here is a news article from May:

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Is It Time To Remove Richard Dawkins As The ‘Face’ Of The Atheist Movement?

image of Richard Dawkins
Supposed smart guy Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins is seen as a rock star by some in the atheist movement. He’s had best selling books, too many keynote speeches to count, awards and honors out the wazoo, he’s the media’s go to person on religious issues and atheism. He also has a problem with shooting his mouth off about some topics that cause distress and anger in the atheist and secular community. Dawkins seriously needs to join Twitter’s Anonymous because for a man known for thousands of words to explain his atheism he has a terrible time trying to express himself in 140 character bites on Twitter. After his latest foot-in-mouth maybe it’s time to remove Dawkins as the public face of the atheist movement.

Dawkins latest twitter war erupted after he retweeted a video that not only equated some feminists with ISIS but the cartoon also included a character based on a real woman who has been the subject of constant harassment and death threats online for THREE years.

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If You Think President Obama Failed To Unify The Country Then Blame The GOP

image of President Obama speaking
President Obama

President Barack Obama has started his legacy tour as his final year in office starts. He is giving interviews that review all that he has accomplished in his time in office. During these interviews, the beltway media keep asking him why he didn’t unite the country like he promised as if he is the only one at fault. The problem of polarization lies completely at the feet of the GOP and their media lackeys.

Here is part of an interview that the President gave to the CBS Sunday Morning show on January 24th:

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Ohio Press Group Says We Deserve Better Political Reporting

offical image Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government
Dennis Hetzel, executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government

I found an interesting guest column in my local paper the other day from Dennis Hetzel, who is executive director of the Ohio Newspaper Association and president of the Ohio Coalition for Open Government. In his column, he admits that journalists in Ohio need to do a better job in reporting on the upcoming elections. Hetzel believes it should be based on issues and not the horse race. I’ve been complaining about that for years and I’m glad Hetzel offers some solutions.

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