Another Reason Not To Believe In God

image of Bryan Fischer and Mike HuckabeeBryan Fischer & Mike Huckabee:
2 douches for God

After yet another mass killing at a school, the religious right comes out of the wood work to explain that such killings wouldn’t happen if we just let prayer back into the schools or God let a tragedy happen because we moved away from Him. What a bunch of stank rubbish! I know that the religious right are unreasonable and shun logic but equating a school shooting with not being able to pray in school is a load of crap.

Bryan Fischer spent the first hour of his radio program today discussing this morning’s truly horrific shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, which he, of course, blamed on the fact that prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments are not taught in public schools.

Fischer said that God could have protected the victims of this massacre, but didn’t because “God is not going to go where he is not wanted” and so if school administrators really want to protect students, they will start every school day with prayer.

Fischer: God Didn’t Stop CT School Shooting Because He’s a ‘Gentleman’ Who Doesn’t Go Where He Is Not Wanted


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee attributed the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in part to restrictions on school prayer and religious materials in the classroom.

“We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools,” Huckabee said on Fox News, discussing the murder spree that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in Newtown, CT that morning. “Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?”

Law enforcement has released few details on the alleged gunman, but Huckabee suggested that the separation of church and state may have spurred his rampage.

Huckabee: Schools ‘A Place Of Carnage’ Because We ‘Systematically Removed God’

We know that religious right types like Fischer and Huckabee are generally unreasonable and ignore logic but lets take what they said to the logical conclusion.

Who wants to worship someone who would let such a tragic thing happen just because of a brusied ego? God lets little children die because he is pissed off that the school isn’t allowed to cheerlead for him?

Or as an acquaintance on Facebook put it: “God is so wise to make political points with the blood of children. To use a psychopath to urge people to follow him is genius on a cosmic level. God so loves the world that he gave the lives of other people’s children.”

Contrary to Fischer and Huckabee’s belief, they give a good reason NOT to believe in God. Maybe I might respect religion more if it wasn’t such an evil philosophy.