Before You Fall In Love With The ‘KONY 2012’ Video…

image of a KONY 2012 poster

There is a viral video called “KONY 2012” by the group Invisible Children highlighting Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda – this is the same group that Rush Limbaugh supported simply because of the group’s name. It seems the group behind the effort to bring Kony down has not been completely honest about their full agenda.

Here is a short video discussing the “KONY 2012” effort:

KONY 2012 Trailer – TYT Discussion

The 30 minute video Invisible Children made went viral. Make no mistake, Joseph Kony is one of the worst people on Earth today and the crimes he and his group are accused of are numerous, but before you jump on the “KONY 2012” bandwagon, it seems there is another agenda by Invisible Children we all should be aware of:

Foreign Affairs charges Invisible Children with misrepresenting the facts, and Foreign Affairs guest contributor Michael Wilkerson notes the deceptive nature of the KONY 2012 video, narrated by Jason Russell, which mentions only in passing that Joseph Kony is no longer in Northern Uganda (his LRA hasn’t operated there for years).

So far few have noticed the decidedly evangelical ties of Invisible Children. But that’s not surprising: Judging from the organization’s website and promotional material, Invisible Children would seem to be non-religious, purely devoted to the health and well-being of children in Northern Uganda and the surrounding region, to “ending genocide”, and to capturing Joseph Kony.

On its face, the effort appears secular, and evangelizing is not mentioned as an objective.

But in a November 7, 2011 appearance at Liberty University, as part of Liberty’s Fall Convocation speaker series, Invisible Children co-founder Jason Russell hinted that Invisible Children was also an evangelizing effort, and during his talk Russell coached Liberty University students on what could be characterized as extremely low-key, or stealth, evangelism.

Invisible Children “KONY 2012” Leader Suggests It’s About Jesus, and Evangelizing

The suggestion sounds like bringing back old school missionary work where natives are forced to convert at gun point like the US government did to the Native Americans up until the 20th century.

Be wary of Invisible Children and their campaign.